
CLASS #12 Education

I like to study English and of course other foreign languages. On the other hand, I like to study Japanese,too.

Nowadays, studying English is natural, important and indispensable in Japanese education. But due to this fact, many Japanese people are lacking their knowledge of Japanese (both writhing and reading skills).

First, I think the early introduction of English education has a little problem. It is a good idea to teach English in elementary schools, but before that, we should teach Japanese enough. People may have many different ways of thinking about this matter, but I think Japanese needs more education of our mother country, Japan.

Second, there are so many imported words in Japan, and Japanese people often use it in conversation (formal and informal) and text messages. They are parts of our language and life. Then people forget Japanese or reduce to use real Japanese in the course of nature as imported words are spreading in Japan. It makes sense that we naturalize words from other languages, but we shouldn't stop enveloping of Japanese language.

Finally, I think some people may believe that we don't have to study Japanese because of course we can speak Japanese. It is just my conjecture, but I had thought like that when I was in high school. I thought learning Japanese is no point, but I realized how important is studying Japanese through learning English professionally.I bet that studying our mother language is fundamental to learning anything.

These 3 reasons, I agree with Minae Mizumura.

CLASS #11 Men and Women

In my opinion...this article was just shocking!! Nowadays the word "soushokukei" is knowing well. The man in this article is just like it. Recently, many men are not aggressive enough, and many women allow them or even though like them.

I don't deny this type of men, but I want men to behave like a man! I want to rely on my boyfriend, and also I want him to rely on me.

LOVE is very important in my life, and I believe to be able to expect synergistic effects of love and job (life). I really want to have a happy life with man who doesn't think LOVE is Heavy Burden!!!

CLASS #10 Table Manners

1.Have you ever eaten in a restaurant in a foreign country? Where? What did you eat? Did you make any mistakes? Please explain your experience.

Yes, I have eaten in restaurants in England. I ate fish and chips, pasta, pizza etc. I didn't have any mistakes in that situations, but it is a little difficult to use knife and fork for me... I couldn't eat chips with knife and fork well like British people!!

2. Did you learn anything?

Yes, I did. It is "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." We eat almost anything with chopsticks in Japan, but in a foreign country, we should use knife, fork and our hands as the case may be. By doing this, we can learn the cultural things.


CLASS #8 Wedings

1.Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Why?

In my opinion, it is a good thing if the person who have a wedding has enough money to do it. Wedding is a important thing in our life (for women), and it is worth doing. I'm longing to have a massive wedding...haha

2. What do you think about eloping? Is it a good idea or romantic? Why?

Umm..it is a difficult question. In the world of TV or drama, it may be romantic. It sounds lovely because it means that the person throws away everything for her/him lover. But I think it is just romantic. I don't want to do it because I want my/my husband's parents to bless us!!

3. Have you ever thought about having a wedding in a foreign location like Hawaii? Would you do it? Why?Or Why not?

No, I haven't thought it before. Wedding in a foreign location is very expensive, and I cannot invite many friends.

4.What is your ideal wedding?

My ideal wedding is...as I said at question 1, I'm longing to have a massive wedding. I want wear many dressses, and cut a big cake with my husband!lol But also, I'm interested in a small wedding with our family and close friends. Anyway, I want to have a wedding which matchs well for me.

5.What would you definitely do, wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

I will go to a beauty-treatment clinic before that big day, and prepare a beautiful dresses or jewelry. These things are very important to me because it is the greatest event in my life!!

6. Have you ever been to a foreigner's wedding? What was your impression?

No, I haven't..I really want to experience it.

CLASS #7 Superstitions

1.Do you think it is important to talk about superstitions in cross culture communication class? Why?

Yes, I do. Many superstitions shows their country's history, ways of thinking and the national character. It is useful to know these knowledge through superstitions.

2.Is communication affected by superstitions?

Yes, sometimes it is. For example, many mother train their children with superstitions. My mother often used to say "If you lie, you will be a thief someday." like this when I was a child. Some superstitions apper in my communication still now.

3.Do you believe in superstitions? If yes, what superstitions do you believe?Why do you do, use, or believe in them?

I think I don't believe in superstitions very much, but I'm sure I recall many superstitions in spite of myself. If I see a hearse, I will hide my thumb!!

CLASS #6 Time

1. Please explain a time proverb in your culture.

In my opinion, Japan is a country which is very strict about time because it is famous that Japanese trains come to the station on time. That's why, our culture has many proverbs about time. People in the old days may have wanted to show the importance of time with these proverbs.

2. What do the following proverbs mean:
a. Time is money.

It means: Time is important, and you should not waste it.

b. A stitch in time saves nine.

It means: Do the best you can before it is too late.

c. There's no time like the present.

It means: This is your chance! You should do now.

d.Let's meet at 4. If I'm not there by 5, leave without me at 6, and I'll be there at 7.

Sorry...I don't have an idea about it..


CLASS #3 The Languages of Clothes

1. Do you judge people according to what they wear? Why?

Umm..I have never thought like that, but I may do. If someone who I meet the first time wears very conspicuous clothes, I will think she/he is outgoing or talkative person. It is just my way of thinking, but I think that outward appearances show their identity.

2. Do you think Japanese society puts an importance on clothing when judging other people from another country?

Yes, I agree. Clothes, outward appearance and first impression are considered very important in many situations in Japan. I think that Japanese society pays attention too much on like this issue.

3. What colors are you wearing now? Do they reflect your mood?

I'm in my room, so I wear pyjamas. Yeah, they reflect my mood because I feel so relaxed.

1. What are some subjects that you will never discuss with a friend?

I discuss with my best friend about anything like friends, boyfriend, family etc.

2. Do you have different friends for different parts of your life? If so, how are they different to you? Do you talk about different things? Go to different places? Give me some examples.

Yes, I have friends at my university, high school, junior high school and part time job place. Friends at university and high school are very valuable because I spend much time with them, and they are very close. I often go out with them, but I seldom go out with friends at junior high school. Friends at part time job place are very nice, and I sometimes have lunch or dinner with them, but I don't talk about serious things with them.