
CLASS #1 Fall 2009

a. Where do you go when you die?

In my opinion, we go to Heaven if we don't do bad things before we die.
If we do something bad, we go to Hell.

b. Explain why do Japanese have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc. after a person's death?

Japanese have death memorial sercices to remember the deceased with family, relatives and friends and to hope the deceased's hapiness at Heaven. And also, it is good oppotunity that Japanese think ourselves over once more. This cycle (1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc) comes from the teachimgs of Chinese Confucianism.

4 件のコメント:

  1. I have heard about your "a"'s answer from my parents. so I would like to try to do good things anytime!


    Thanx for the comment :)
    hahaha,yeah it's true :P
    but we always should bear to do something good in mind!

  3. Hello,blackcherry.

    If you die, which will you go, heven of hell.
    My answer is....I don't know :( because I am not only did good things but also did bad things.
    Oh... please god!! I would like to go to heven!!

  4. Hi! I agree with your idea.
    I do not go to Hell;( So I must do not bad things in my life never!!!
